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Tips For Strengthening The Immune System

Have you noticed that some people can sit in a draft, walk in the cold in a light jacket, swim in a cold river, communicate with friends who have a cold, and still not get sick? While others take great care of themselves, wear gauze masks during epidemics, wrap themselves in warm sweaters and woolen socks, and still do not get rid of colds? What is the reason for this? It’s all about immunity! Especially for this category of its readers, we have prepared a selection of the 10 most effective ways to strengthen the immune system, which are equally suitable for both adults and children.

Why Strengthen Your Immune System

What is immunity? In essence, it is the body’s only defense against pathogenic microorganisms that abound in the surrounding world. The importance of immunity is especially clearly demonstrated by the example of a disease such as HIV, when without an internal “barrier” a person is doomed to a slow death, since his body can no longer resist those viruses and bacteria that are safe for a healthy immune system.

High immunity is not only protection against seasonal colds, but also a guarantee of stable well-being, and therefore it is necessary to strengthen it regularly, so as not to fall into bed at every random draft.

1. Visit an immunologist

The most sensible and rational solution for strengthening the immune system is to visit an immunologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and, if necessary, prescribe medications that will help fully restore the body’s defenses.

2. Healthy eating

The main diet should consist of natural products: meat and fish, milk and dairy products, grains and vegetable fats, vegetables and fruits. With such nutrition, the body will receive enough resources to maintain immunity at the proper level.

As for so-called unhealthy food (chips and the like): if you eat it occasionally, as a kind of “delicacy”, then there will be no harm, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it either.

3. Drink enough water

If the body lacks liquid, the nutrition of tissues of absolutely all internal organs suffers, which not only undermines the protective functions of the immune system, but also causes the development of a large number of diseases. According to a reliable source you need to develop a habit of drinking at least 1 liter of plain water during the day.

Important: coffee, tea, juices, soups, etc. do not behave in the body like regular water, and therefore these liquids cannot replace it.

4. Exercise regularly

High muscle tone is a necessary condition for the proper functioning of metabolism and nervous regulation, on which the intensity and speed of the immune response also largely depends.

5. Get a good night’s sleep

When you don’t get enough sleep, both the immune system’s ability to recognize pathogens and the speed of the immune response are reduced. This especially affects acquired immunity, which is the body’s ability to quickly respond to a familiar type of threat.

6. Give up bad habits

There is no need for comments here: smoking and addiction to alcoholic beverages create a high toxic load on the human body, as a result of which the functioning of all vital systems, including the immune system, is disrupted.

7. Avoid stress

Severe neuropsychological stress can be compared in its negative impact to lack of sleep: the immune response occurs much more slowly and very often with errors in identifying the pathogen (which, by the way, is the cause of allergies)

8. Treat infectious diseases

The habit of abandoning medications of infectious diseases (flu, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.) at the final stage for reasons of “it will go away on its own” leads to the fact that all the work on follow-up consultations has to be done by a weakened immune system, after which there is no longer any point in talking about its correct functioning.

9. Don’t neglect chronic diseases

The body is an integral system, and therefore a malfunction of one organ inevitably entails malfunctions of other organs and systems. That is why various chronic diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, asthma, etc.) must be treated in a timely manner, preventing exacerbations.

10. Be careful with folk medicine

Many folk recipes for strengthening the immune system advise to increase the body’s defenses in very risky ways – for example, by eating a lot of garlic or lemons. It is unclear whether such advice will be useful, but they can easily cause gastrointestinal diseases, and therefore you need to be careful with folk medicine.


If we sum up all the above recommendations for strengthening the immune system, the general advice will be very simple: you just need to lead a healthy life, and in case of illness, immediately contact a doctor. If you follow these simple recommendations, then no one will ever have to worry about weakening your own immunity.

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