Waiting Until It’s Too Late for Marriage Therapy: Get Help Sooner Than Later and Here’s Why

Waiting Until It’s Too Late for Marriage Therapy: Get Help Sooner Than Later and Here’s Why

Marriage is a journey and sometimes venture that has its peaks with the corresponding highs to come with it and its valleys, where we must trod through as well. Unfortunately, that often means partners do not go to therapy until they are sitting in front of divorce papers and ready to separate ways. If the couple waits too long to seek marriage therapy, it could be impossible to recover from infidelity. In this article, we will take a look at why it is important to get therapy before rather than after and how early intervention can help solidify the base of your relationship.

Why Do Couples Wait?

Some couples put off marriage counseling for various reasons. 

These include:

  • Denial of the Problem: The number one reason that I find couples avoid therapy is denial. They think their problems are not too serious to get expert guidance. A lot of couples decide that time will heal or that they are fine to handle situation on their own.
  • Stigma of Therapy: For many people, going to a therapist means that you are weak or broken. Marriage counselling frequently carries a social preconception, so couples are ashamed to inquire for assistance.
  • Time and Resource Constraints: Scheduling, working full-time or raising a family can prevent someone from having the time to invest in therapy. Others may find it expensive and therefore feel like they will never be able to afford a professional photoshoot in the first place.
  • Not wanting to open old wounds: A common fear of couples starting therapy is that if they start talking about their problems it will lead to a snowball effect of rehashing all past issues. Either one might refuse help thinking they are too scared to find out what there is to learn about themself or their companion.
  • Can I Just Hope Such Things Will Go Away: A preconceived notion that couples often operate on is the belief that time heals all wounds. Still, conflicts that are not addressed can consume and escalate such that communication and emotions break down as well.

The Consequences of Waiting Too Long

Scroll to the last slide to learn why waiting until your marriage is in hot water before embarking on therapy may be a dangerous game to play. If a couple waits too long, the damage done to their relationship may be irreparable. The longer you procrastinate, the more ingrained negative habits will become. 

There are some valid risks of postponing treatment:

More angry & resentful

Resentment festers when problems are waylaid. And small irritation unanswered become bigger and then turns into anger. What happens instead for many couples who wait too long is they get to a place of emotional disconnection and resentment with one another. When they finally reach out, emotions may be buried deep beneath the surface and working through them could take more time than it might have if addressed earlier.

Communication Deterioration

One of the main reasons for marriage insecurity is poor communication. Not only do couples miss out on dealing with their problems when they ignore them, but they also get worse at communicating. Communication breaks down, misunderstandings abound and strong conversations get put off. Before you know it, couples can feel as though they are speaking two different languages and a simple conversation becomes an argument. The faster a couple reaches out for therapy the sooner they can learn and practice healthier forms of communication.

Emotional Distance

An intimate issue that could be manageable when understood and a common grounds between partners at first, work-able — now transforms into an emotionally distant states for that same couple with this insecurity about the sexual performance continuously increasing. On the flip side of that, many couples who also may feel more like roommates than lovers are not taking time to actively invest in their bond as well. We all know lack of intimacy is a big reason why most marriage fail within first two years and emotional detachment, that just adds to the misery. People who have lost the emotional connection in a couples therapy setting and this is possible to revive but it gets tougher if we wait too long.

More Prone to Cheating

If an individual lacks emotional validation or is seeking some affection which their marriage did not give them. Dissatisfaction is not a good enough reason for infidelity, however unresolved issues and long periods of emotional distance contribute to it. After the trust is gone, it will be hard to rebuild and maybe beyond repair. Even approaching therapy from a preventative standpoint could prevent the trust breach.

Impact on Kids and the Family System

Problems between husband and wife do not affect just the couple, but also family members in general. Children are very perceptive to changes in relationships and they can feel their parents tension which causes emotional damage when repeated. The longer you put off taking action the more of a burden it will have on the family. In worst case scenarios, therapy can improve communication and help spawn healthier relationships that ultimately make their divorcing parents better at co-parenting.

Benefits of Seeking Therapy Early

The good news is that if you seek therapy when the first problems arrive as a couple, your chances of success are very high. Despite what the situation may be, whether it is as troubling or tender as any other, both partners will hugely benefit from therapy being an option for them. He is going to show you six reasons why a quick trip to the therapist now can help secure a better, stronger marriage.

Identifying Problems Early

Early intervention is the major advantage, finding out what is wrong and getting on top of it before thing gets to a critical level. A well trained therapist can point out potentially destructive patterns of communication, behavior, or emotional connection that individuals in the relationship may not be able to easily see themselves. If caught early, these issues couples to make changes that prevent further harm from occurring.

Learning Appropriate Communication Skills

Without realizing it, couples are falling into less-than-ideal communication patterns. Not only can these habits, for example, avoiding tough talks or showing aggravation through passive­aggressive behavior, fester over time and take the bloom out of any rose but they also have a long shelf life when you start young. Couples can learn how to instead communicate and communicate well with therapy in order to hear from one another, express needs and desires and work out conflict without anger or withdrawal.

Strengthening Emotional Bonds

And that therapy isn’t about fixing, but bonding between couples emotionally. When a therapist is able to help couples reconnect they can develop an even deeper level of intimacy, trust and affection. The emotional bond grows stronger and the marriage becomes more resilient to future challenges.

Preventing Future Conflicts

By discovering how to resolve their problems when they arise, couples can avoid having future problems compound into a fight. This prepares couples better to handle similar challenges in the future because once they get the team work essence from therapy, they always know how it should be done.

Developing a Safe Environment For Free Discussion

A mutually agreed upon time free of name calling and verbally assaulting each other. This is the real talk that you are too stubborn to have with yourself. Maybe, with the assistant of a therapist couples can solve some of their most seemingly inplacatable issues, arrive at agreements that (in the end) were perfect for both.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Help is available sooner, rather than later-if you are struggling in marriage. The time to get involved in support is not when your relationship is falling apart. Intervening sooner can prevent that from happening and help save your marriage or at least stop the downward spiral of emotional disconnection.

Marriage counseling helps equip you with what you need navigate struggles and improve your relationship. Whether it be communication, emotional distance or any other situation, professional guidance can serve as your lighthouse to lead you back towards understanding and love.

If you are struggling with these issues, just as many couples do, All in the Family Counselling has effective and compassionate therapy for rebuilding relationships. Make the first move toward a healthier, happier marriage before it is too late.


So the sooner you look into saving your marriage, the higher your chances of actually doing that. Marriage therapy has the tools and techniques you need to tackle these obstacles and develop a more positive, healthier relationship. It is better to ask for help now than wait until it is too late and your marriage has ruined.

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